FUE (single follicle removal)

Hair harvest without scalpel

FUE (single follicle removal)

Precise transplantation of hair.

Most hair transplants are performed by the specialists at Berlin Hair Transplant, your practice for medical and aesthetic hair surgery, using FUE (single follicle extraction) – without complete shave, without scalpel, without sutures, without pain, without scars and without swelling.

This modern procedure is characterised by the fact that the doctors remove the so-called follicles individually. These are small groups of hair roots which the doctors then transplant to the bald areas or regions with thin hair growth.

Hair harvest without scalpel

An essential advantage in comparison to the strip method (FUT) is that the FUE (single follicle extraction) does not require an elongated incision with scarring.

Instead, the individual follicles are cut out manually with hollow needles, which have a tiny diameter.

They therefore only produce small holes in the scalp that are barely visible to the eye. These grow over within a short time after the operation, the mini-scars can only be seen with a magnifying glass. It is not necessary to sew up the scars as with the strip procedure. Accordingly, treated persons can do sport again a few days later.

Manual FUE, however, requires a shave in the donor region at the back of the head. Only on a shaved scalp can specialists harvest the follicles with the necessary precision for a major operation. This is only a small area, a complete shave is not necessary. The painless FUE (single follicle extraction) guarantees local anaesthesia.

FUE single follicle removal
FUE (single follicle removal)

Precise hair transplantation

The follicles are implanted by the physicians immediately after removal at the desired head site. After the removal of the skin follicles, which are temporarily stored in a nutrient solution, the doctor prepares the target region by making tiny puncture channels.

The follicles are inserted into these so-called incision slots. Important criteria such as uniform hair density and direction of growth are taken into account.

Non-binding advice

As a specialist for medical and aesthetic hair surgery, Berlin Hair Transplant offers a non-binding and personal consultation in many cities and via an online form. Experts provide detailed information about the procedures. Also for the time after the operation interested ones receive useful Tipps, in particular for the correct hair washing after the self hair transplantation.


It's time not to lose time.

In a consultation we will show you the exact procedure on the basis of your individual problem. We will draw up an exact timetable that will bring you safely and without compromise to your destination: full hair.

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