Quality standards in Hair Transplantation

Highest quality of instruments and materials for hair transplants

Not only the excellent surgical skills, which are guaranteed by the team under the guidance of our expert Dr. Fotis Tsounis – one of the world’s most experienced hair surgeons, member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, the General Medical Council and the Royal Society of Medicine – is responsible for a successful hair transplant.

The high-end materials used by Berlin Hair Transplant – practice for medical and aesthetic hair surgery – also play an important role in hair transplantation. We place the highest value on consistent, reliable quality, so that we only use instruments and materials that have been specially developed for hair transplants and are used by leading international users.

We make no compromises when it comes to getting the best possible results for our patients!

Hollow needle in the FUE method

In the FUE method used by our experts, hair follicles are removed individually using a hollow needle in order to transplant them to the desired sites. This can be used, for example, to replenish secret hairline corners, correct a high forehead or replenish hair as it becomes lighter. These hollow needles are highly fine medical instruments specially designed for hair transplants. The team around Dr. Tsounis has developed its own FUE extractor, which prepares the grafts with 30,000 rpm for removal with the highest surgical precision. Due to their fineness, they leave no visible scars at the injection site.

They convince among other things also by these advantages:

  • Inner diameter can be extended to 0.8 mm as standard for the most precise adaptations
  • Extremely sharp cutting edges, which stress the fabric as little as possible
  • Low resistance, so that very little friction occurs during application

Tweezers for hair transplants

The follicular units (FU) – grafts – are removed with sterile forceps when they have been punched out by the hollow needle. The removal forceps used in the practice for medical and aesthetic hair surgery Berlin Hair Transplant come from a traditional manufacturer in Switzerland.

Top technology and concentrated know-how ensure that these tweezers are of the highest quality so as not to damage the delicate grafts and to remove them precisely and quickly.

Up to 3500 follicular units can be removed during a hair transplant without overstraining the donor area at the back of the patient’s head.

Highest quality of instruments
Highest quality of instruments
Quality standards in Hair Transplantation
Quality standards in Hair Transplantation

Nutrient solution of the grafts for hair transplantation

In the first step, the grafts are removed as described in detail on our method overview page. The second step is the insertion of the individual units as part of a hair transplant.

Since the tissue is living, extreme care is required here. Since only a certain number of grafts are available for each hair transplant – the donor area must not be overused – it is important to obtain the highest possible percentage of grafts that survive and grow again.

This is achieved by the use of HypoThermosolerreicht – a specially developed nutrient solution for the storage of the FU. After removal, the tissue is exposed to a certain stress, which must be minimised. This solution is the best option currently available for hair transplantation.

Simple salt solutions, in which the grafts are stored by providers under cost pressure, reduce vitality. HypoThermosol not only ensures a higher survival rate, it also helps the cells grow at the new sites where they are transplanted. In the nutrient solution, the grafts are cooled down to 2° to 8°C during storage in a refrigerator to reduce metabolic degradation.

The result: more vital grafts, better growth rate, denser hair growth!

Suitable punches for hair transplantation

For the quality of the result, the decisive process in the final treatment step is the insertion of the grafts. The specialist uses an incision instrument – the so-called puncher – to make small receiving holes, which are then transplanted into the grafts.

Essential here is a tissue-conserving working method, which is only possible with very precise punchers, which means, among other things, that the incision must be accurate to the angle and the puncher must be sharp but also easy to guide. This is because the recipient area into which the grafts are transplanted, as well as the FE itself, must be exposed to little stress in order to keep the growth rate high.

Because extreme precision is important here, we at Berlin Hair Transplant – Praxis für medizinische und ästhetische Haarchirurgie only use the best instruments for creating the incision slots, because our goal is a natural and aesthetically sophisticated result – a hair transplant with which you are completely satisfied.


It's time not to lose time.

In a consultation we will show you the exact procedure on the basis of your individual problem. We will draw up an exact timetable that will bring you safely and without compromise to your destination: full hair.

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